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Residential Solar Financing Options

The Roxaco Solar team will review all the options with you to ensure your residential solar installation maximizes efficiency and is tailored to your unique home and financial situation. Our dedicated Roxaco Solar team are here to guide you through solar installation financing or purchase options with no sales pressure, just answers to your question and concerns. Our extensive solar, roofing, and general construction background allows our team to tailor a solar installation and financing solution that maximizes efficiency, home comfort, and peace of mind. Learn more about our flexible Solar Panel Purchase Agreements or loan financing options that fit your budget and financial goals.

Solar Panel Purchase Agreement photo

Solar Panel Purchase Agreements

A Solar Power Purchase Agreement, or PPA, is a financial agreement where the customer pays a solar company a fixed price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for the power generated by the solar panels. A PPA is like a lease but less expensive than the electricity prices set by local utility companies. With this agreement, the solar company is entirely responsible for installation and maintenance costs, and they provide the power per kWh.

Benefits of PPA

  • $0 Down
  • Simple Process
  • Lower Monthly Cost
  • Provider Maintains System
  • Transferable

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