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Custom Solar Panel Installation for New England Homes

Our mission is to provide homeowners with maximum efficiency and savings by installing the most modern and highest-quality solar panels, batteries, and power systems available to New England homeowners. Our seasoned team are solar, roofing, electrical, and construction experts with the experience to develop custom solar solutions to fit any home regardless of size or layout. If you want to switch to solar, the Roxaco Solar team is here to consult you to determine if your home is a good fit for solar and which options best meet your unique financial situation goals to maximize your system efficiency, home comfort, and savings.

Our Process

Here’s how the initial process works:

First Meeting (20 min.)

You’ll speak with one of our representatives to ask questions, address concerns, and review your options.

Site Survey (30 min.)

We’ll send a representative to take pictures of your roof and your home’s layout and gather information to finalize the design.

Engineering Design (Two Weeks)

We’ll review all information, map data about your roof, and learn about your area’s solar regulations. In rare instances, we perform site audits to resolve any lingering issues.

Final Review and Signing (30 min.)

We’ll present your design, pricing, storage, site improvements, and selected coverage outline. If you approve, you’ll sign off on it.

Forest and a white bunglow besides a car

Outstanding Service Before, During and After Installation

Roxaco Solar can provide almost any service facilitating solar installation, including reroofing and electrical panel upgrades. These upgrades can often be provided at little to no cost to streamline your residential panel installation. Ask your Roxaco Solar representative for details. Need to make changes to your design after you’ve approved your contract? No problem. Our goal is your complete satisfaction. After your installation, rest assured that Roxaco Solar has your back before, during, and after installation, providing continued support and maintenance post-installation.

Receive a Free Estimate From Roxaco Solar Today!