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Incentives for New England Homeowners to Go Solar

Installing solar power offers a wide range of benefits that the dedicated team at Roxaco Solar can help you capture, including:

$0 Down – No Upfront Costs
Monthly Savings
No Cost Reroofing and Electrical Panel Upgrades Available
Reduce and Control Long Term Energy Costs
Eliminate Blackouts

two home with solar panel on top

Roofing Replacement and Electrical Upgrade Incentives

State and federal governments offer attractive tax and other incentives to homeowners switching to solar-powered energy. The New England states are actively promoting solar power conversion by providing some of the following incentives to homeowners just like you:

  • Free Reroofing: If your roof is old or cannot currently support a solar panel system, you may be able to get it replaced at no additional cost.
  • Free Electrical Paneling Upgrades: If required to qualify for installation, many homeowners get free, updated electrical panels that better support their new solar power system.

Ask your Roxaco Solar representative for details on how you may qualify.

two home with solar panel on top

Additional Advantages of Solar Power

Solar power offers a wide range of additional benefits, including:

  • Energy Savings: Solar power provides the energy homeowners need with less effort. You’ll receive a fully powered home and reduce energy waste.
  • Money Savings: Along with reduced energy bills, the federal and state governments offer rebates to save homeowners money.
  • Increased Home Value: Many homeowners want to go solar. Your solar power system may attract more potential buyers and increase the offers made when it comes time to sell your home.

Solar Panel Benefits in Milford, MA

Roxaco Solar encourages every homeowner to embrace a better future and improve their lives through solar power systems. It’s now easier than ever to attain, install, and finance solar paneling and batteries. Our team is passionate about cutting energy costs and enhancing our customers’ properties. We have representatives available to speak with you and review your options. We’ll devise a custom system that integrates with your home smoothly, ensuring your comfort and peace of mind.

Receive a Free Estimate From Roxaco Solar Today!