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Rhode Island Homeowners Pay The Third-Highest Electric Rates In the United States and The Second Highest In New England.

That is the bad news, but here is the good news for RI homeowners. Rhode Island is at the forefront of driving a sun-powered, sustainable future. Rhode Island has consistently been a pacesetter in environmental initiatives, boasting some of the most attractive solar incentives in the country. Here’s some more good news: the majority of our RI customers find themselves saving between 30-50% on what they previously spent on electricity before going solar.

Learn more about the program and incentives available for Rhode Island homeowners on this page or click below to schedule your home’s solar assessment.

Rhode Island Solar Incentives & Rebates

1. Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit:

As of 2022, a federal tax incentive covers 30% of the overall expenses for solar installations, making solar panel systems more economically feasible for RI homeowners than in previous years. Although homeowners traditionally use this tax benefit when they buy a solar system, it also can be applied to reduce the monthly lease rate, making solar panel leasing more attractive and affordable.

2. Rhode Island Property Tax Exemption for Solar Installation:

Rhode Island homeowners are exempt from paying any additional property taxes on the added home value from their RI solar panel system.

3. Renewable Energy Sales Tax Exemption:

Rhode Island Homeowners are exempt from paying the standard 7% state sales tax on their solar panel system.

4. New Roof At $0 Cost:

Some new customers may require a roof upgrade before installing solar panels. Rhode Island homeowners may qualify for a new roof at no cost by going solar. Check out our Solar + Roof page for details.

5. Rhode Island New Energy Metering:

When solar panels generate more energy than your home consumes, Rhode Island homeowners receive a credit on their electricity bill. New energy metering can eliminate the need for additional battery storage because this credit can be applied when your home requires more energy than your solar panels may be producing. However, a homeowner can include a solar battery as part of the installation for extra peace of mind and as a backup supply during blackouts.

Contact Us To Learn More About The MA Solar Incentives To Go Solar!